Garg Enterprises. shall endeavor to provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to the Health & Safety of its Employees and its assets. Garg Enterprises pledges its full co-operation & commitment to the SHEQ Safety Policy.
Employee’s Responsibility
Every employee shall endeavor to comply with all relevant legislation, instructions, rules and procedures in the interest of Health & Safety. Employees will mutually be responsible for the Health & Safety of everyone, while utilizing equipment and machinery properly and minimumrisk.
We are committed to
Take reasonable care to protect own Health and Safety
Take reasonable care to protect the Health & Safety of others
Take proper care of personal protective equipment and the correct use thereof
Report a situation or act promptly that is a risk to any person
Co-operate with any person to ensure compliance with the duties and responsibilities placed on the person in terms of the Health & Safety act
Comply with prescribed Health & Safety measures
Concentrate on mental health and maintaining a positive attitude